1. Always have fresh food and water for your bird(s). You should change the water daily, as bacteria can form and make the bird sick.  Also feed daily.
  2. Offer your birds a small quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables (no avocado- no seeds or pits), Do not leave in the cage for more than about 2 hours.  They will spoil.  NEVER GIVE A BIRD JUNK FOOD, CHOCOLATE, CAFFEINE, SODA OR ALCOHOL.
  3. Newly weaned babies- keep the perch right next to food dish.  This way it has no other choice but to sit there and play with the food and eat.
  4. Do not leave your bird in a draft.  (EX: in front of open windows where the wind may be blowing or where the full sun is on a bird. Or in front of or under air conditioner vent.)  This can make a bird ill.
  5. It’s a good idea to cover the cage at night.  Often birds feel safer and it is a good routine.
  6. Bathing:  Some birds like to take a bath- often in their water dish. That’s ok!! Make sure that the bird is not under a draft afterwards.
  7. Don’t EVER leave a bird unattended out of its cage.  Birds are like small children.  They are curious and sometimes get into mischief. They may wander into houseplants that may be harmful or poisonous. They can drown in a toilet or a sink. They can get stuck in strange places, closed in doors, or get stepped on or attacked by other animals. Or even chew on things that are harmful…like electrical cords.
  8. Unless PROPERLY free flight trained – Make sure wings are trimmed. Get them checked about once a month. When you bring your bird in please use an appropriate carrier- for the bird’s SAFETY. Often people think it’s a good idea to allow the wings to grow out, it is not. Even if you have had it for many years- SAFETY is the issue. It is a possibility that the bird could get outside and get away- it will not have the proper survival skills.  It can fly around the house and fall into an open toilet, pot of boiling water, a sliding glass door or others things can happen to cause the bird to break its beak, burn, or drown. **Keep E-Cig/ Vapes from birds.
  9. Toys are great!! They get bored and need stimulation.  Make sure to get your bird the
    PROPER species appropriate toy.  Some birds have more powerful beaks than others. If you get a larger bird toy made for a smaller bird, it can damage or chew it.  This causing pieces to break off and possibly get ingested or choke a bird.
  10. If you are ever concerned about the health of your bird- get the bird checked out by an Avian Vet. Don’t guess, you could be wrong.
  11. Always keep your bird’s home CLEAN!!
  12. Newly weaned baby should always be observed closely!! You should always make sure that the bird is eating food.  This is important because some babies may regress a little when moved and may want to be handfed for security or because they may not have adjusted to the move and a new environment.  If for any reason the bird is not eating or begging for handfeed – CALL IMMEDIATELY!!

WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BIRDS THAT ARE NOT PROPERLY TAKEN CARE OF.  ANIMALS WILL DIE IF THEY DO NOT EAT.  Always make sure your bird is adjusting to its new environment.





*Uncooked meats may be contaminated with bacteria or salmonella.  Meat can be offered as a protein source but it needs to be cooked thoroughly. 

*Chocolate contains Theobromine – which is toxic to birds.  

*Alcoholic beverages can cause liver damage, drunkenness, and death. Don’t let your bird sample your cocktail.

*Caffeine, and chemicals present in coffee, tea, and soft drinks do nothing to enhance a bird’s nutritional well-being and may cause adverse reactions.

*Concentrated sources of sugar or slat are harmful to birds.

*Candies, Anchovies, Olives, iceberg lettuce, fried foods, dairy, salted nuts, buttered/salted popcorn, potato chips and similar items should be kept away from birds.

*Vitamins intended for human consumption should not be offered to birds.

*Rhubarb and Avocado are poisonous to birds.

  1. Although the exact nutritional requirements for pet birds are subject to disagreement, requirements for individual species may differ and nutritional needs may change with bird’s age, or breeding situation.  Avian diets recommendations average approximately:  25% to 40% mixed seeds and pellets (some vets recommend higher % of pellets)    30%-50% vegetables / fruit, nutritionally dense, not just water-filled fiber. Kale, beets, cooked sweet potatoes, bananas, broccoli, apples, carrots, corn, peas, and lima beans are all good.  Peeled mangoes, strawberries, pitted cherries, and small amounts of citrus can also be added. 10% animal protein, such as cooked meat, poultry, eggs and some dairy products. Protein may also be derived from plant sources such as cooked beans.

10% nuts and table food- such as rice, pasta, toasted bread or other goodies.

  1. Always make sure that the baby containers are cleaned regularly- this will prevent illnesses caused by unsanitary housing conditions.
  2. This also applies to cages and aviaries.
  3. In the event you have an Avian emergency please refer to an Avian Veterinarian